Most diets require strict adherence to certain conditions, which are quite severe for many conditions. This often leads to breakdowns and bad mood due to the inability to achieve the desired results and lose excess weight. ButThere is also a lazy diet or a diet for lazy people on water, which is considered salvation in such a situation.

Basic Rules
Food is essential for the normal functioning of the body. However, frequent overeating or eating unhealthy food leads to excess body weight. In such a situation, you should follow some nutritional rules to overcome excess weight. LazyThese are also included in people's diet. Recommended:
- Drink 2 glasses of clean water 2 hours or at least twenty minutes before meals. As for light breakfast, you need to drink one glass of water. Compliance with such intervals is important, because during this period water is absorbed and the bodyBegins to use up fat reserves.
- Don't wash your food. After a meal you should avoid drinking liquids for at least 2 hours. This is due to the peculiarities of digestion, namely the speed of movement of solid and liquid food, the duration of its digestion and the time of absorption of calories.
Staying on a diet for lazy people, positive changes will be observed if you drink water in small sips and under no circumstances drink in one gulp. This is due to the fact that water enters the stomach in small portions. Helps in weight loss. If the stomach is filled with a large amount of water, you should not expect positive changes, only a feeling of heaviness will appear.
Drinking a glass of water an hour before sleeping reduces the risk of stroke manifold.
positive and negative aspects
Many women believe that the diet for lazy people at home is ineffective, because it involves drinking water. However, it is water that affects the metabolic processes in the body, i. e. improves them. The process becomes slow. Water stimulates the production of gastric juice, as a result, food absorption improves, and the body receives the maximum amount of nutrients and energy. So, the water diet for lazy people has the following advantages:
- maintaining work efficiency at a high level;
- Possibility of using most food products;
- Maintaining full functioning of the digestive system;
- Intake of required amount of nutrients in the body;
- Loss of excess body weight.
It is considered negative that water diets for lazy people need to minimize salt intake, as it prevents water from leaving the body. This leads to the appearance of edema, as well as excessFluid accumulates. As a result, its work is disrupted and there is a risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. In such situations, it may be necessary to seek medical help and prescribe medications, including diuretics.
diet preparation
Proper preparation is necessary to get the best possible results from a lazy diet. The body must be prepared for challenges, because any change in nutrition is stressful for it. An easy diet for quick weight loss for lazy people is the leastIt is considered painful, so it is quite simple to prepare for.
For lazy people, 2-4 days before the planned start of the diet, it is recommended to cleanse the body by using more water. This will help flush out toxins and waste from the body. Replace regular tea and coffee with herbalIt is necessary to change from tea, the diet should be enriched with whole grain bread and fresh vegetables. Despite the fact that this is the simplest diet, it is advisable to start taking vitamins. As a result, on a diet for lazy people, you can reduce your weight from minus 5 kg to minus 12 per week.
what to give up

When choosing a diet for lazy people, you need to give priority to drinking water, and also refuse:
- carbonated drinks;
- Juice;
- coffee;
- sweet tea;
- smoked meat;
- fatty meat;
- Bakery products and sweets;
- semi-finished products.
It should be remembered that it is forbidden to drink water or wash down with water during meals. Also 20-30 minutes before breakfast you need to drink a glass of water. By following these simple rules, you will be able to get rid of those annoying extra pounds.
What is recommended to include in your menu
The daily diet on the diet for lazy people should include three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Almost all foods are allowed. If you feel hungry, you can organize a breakfast for yourself, but in this situation you need to remember the basic rule - drink a glass of water before doing so. This is necessary to avoid overeating. The diet should be as follows: It is recommended to enrich with:
- Lean meat (chicken, beef);
- fish;
- sea food;
- vegetables;
- Fruit;
- greens;
- small amount of grain;
- green tea;
- Mineral water.
The lazy diet involves eating meat dishes and vegetables boiled (boiled) or baked; It is advisable to reduce the amount of oil. If you have difficulty in drinking plain water, you can add a few drops of lemon or lime juice to it.
The difference between lazy diet and other weight loss techniques
The diet of the laziest people differs from others in that:
- Part of the food is replaced with water, this reduces the risk of fat accumulation. You need to drink plain water, without gas, before each meal. To prevent intestinal dysfunction, it is advisable to do it in small sips. It is advisable, never in one gulp.
- Drinking water during and after meals is prohibited.
- Salt intake should be minimized, as it retains fluid in the body and contributes to the accumulation of toxins and waste.
- You are allowed to eat your normal food.
- The duration of the diet for the lazy is only 2 weeks.
- It does not require much effort.
Detailed diet menu for lazy people
To get positive results from being on the lazy diet as quickly as possible, it is recommended to think about your diet in advance and schedule eating hours. Eating a lot of raw fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight faster. will gain help in.
An approximate diet menu for lazy people for every day may look like this:
- 7: 40 – 2 glasses of water;
- 8: 00 – Regular breakfast;
- 10: 00 – It is not recommended to add tea or coffee, sweets or pastries;
- 13: 40 – 2 glasses of water;
- 14: 00 – Lunch;
- 16: 00 - tea, coffee or any other drink;
- 17: 40 – 2 glasses of water;
- 18: 00 – Dinner;
- 20: 00 - Consumption of any drink (tea, coffee, kefir, water).
If you feel hungry, you are allowed to snack between meals, but you must drink at least a glass of water 20 minutes before. After this, drinking alcohol is prohibited for two hours. Let us give you an example of a detailed diet menu for lazy people looking to lose weight; It should include diet dishes.
The best option would be to eat oatmeal with milk for breakfast, you can add pieces of unsweetened fruit or berries to it. Lunch can be vegetable salad and a boiled piece of meat, preferably beef. DinnerChicken breast and boiled vegetables are suitable for this.
Breakfast - egg omelette with milk and tomatoes. For lunch, a salad of tomatoes and cabbage and a piece of boiled fish is best. For dinner - buckwheat porridge with steamed turkey cutlets. .
Breakfast – millet porridge with honey. Lunch will consist of vegetable soup and dinner will consist of 2 boiled eggs and vegetables.
A good breakfast option on a water diet for lazy people would be cottage cheese with added fruit, and lunch – buckwheat porridge with meat and vegetable salad. For dinner, fish fillet and steamed vegetables. are suitable.

Breakfast – porridge with honey and pieces of fruit, lunch – boiled potatoes and cucumber and tomato salad, dinner – boiled beans with fish and vegetable stew.
Muesli for breakfast, green borscht, a piece of boiled fish and bran bread are best for lunch. Dinner – chicken soup and vegetables.
It is better to start breakfast with pearl barley porridge, for lunch baked turkey meat, vegetable soup and salad are suitable. Dinner will consist of 2 boiled eggs and a tomato.
The menu for the week may be different, it all depends on the preferences of the person losing weight.
Despite the fact that the diet for quick weight loss for lazy people does not have a negative effect on the body, in some cases its use is prohibited. The main contraindications are:
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
- Liver dysfunction;
- diseases of the digestive system;
- vitamin deficiency;
- bone diseases;
- Decreased level of body's immune defense.
Diet with water is not recommended for the laziest women who want to lose weight during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.
Although the lazy diet for weight loss is considered easy, it is better to consult a doctor before adopting it. This need is explained by the fact that it has its own contraindications, so there is a risk of complications.